Busy line at Snow Bird
The ski resorts have encroached and expanded into the Cottonwood Canyons and pushed out all other forms of canyon recreation.
The ski resorts do not own all of the land. We do! It's leased to them by the U.S. Forest Service.
It's time to ask the U.S. Forest servcie to revoke their lease, and restore the canyons back to the way it should be.
Let's allow all of us to enjoy the canyons instead of just Skiers.
By revoking the lease on the Ski resorts, we'll open up the canyons to some of the most epic back-country ski terrain in the world.
It's time we reclaim our Cottonwood Canyons.
Say no to a Gondola in Little Cottonwood Canyon.
Make your support known for preserving our Cottonwood Canyons by signing the petitions below.
Reclaim Cottonwood Canyons Say no to a GondolaBig and Little Cottonwood Canyons should be open for all kinds of recreation. Skiing is just one of them, yet the canyons are controlled and dominated by that one activity.
Do we want our canyons to be used for only one sport.
Do we want to give our land to a few corporations to profit from and destroy, and prevent access for other uses?
Some of the ski runs are on private property, a lot of them are on our land. Let's remove the ski lifts on our public lands, and restore balance to the canyons.
The ski resorts have a conflict of interests. Protecting our wild places is always sacraficed for profits by maximizing skiiers in the canyon.
The canyon roads naturally restrict the number of people up the canyon to a moderate level. Installing the Gondola would remove this limiter and increase the human population in our fragile canyons to extreme levels that would harm the environment.
Little Cottonwood Canyon in the fall
Some are trying to create a monopoly on what our Cotttonwood canyons are used for. Our canyons are used for much more than just skiing.
It's diversivied and mixed uses that treads lightly on our environment. The fastest way to erode the terrain and drive the wildlife away is to increase human traffic.
All the photos below were taken in the Cottonwood Canyons.
U.S. Forest Service mission is to sustain the health of our forests for future generations
It's time for the Forest Service to give back our land to the people. We've seen how the ski resorts take care of our canyons.
"The mission of the USDA Forest Service is to sustain the health, diversity, and productivity of the Nation’s forests and grasslands to meet the needs of present and future generations."
It's clear that the ski resorts are not fulfulling the mission of the Forest Service. It's time to revoke their public lease on our land.
Removing trees, installing ski lifts, and packing the canyons with as many people as possible is hurting the health and sustainability of our canyons?
Future generations will judge us on our actions today. I don't think they will be pleased at how we've turned their canyons into a mega money machine at the cost of the environment and other recreational activity.
Make your support known for preserving our Cottonwood Canyons by signing the petitions below.
Reclaim Cottonwood Canyons Say no to a GondolaIt's clear that policy makers, and private corporations are not doing enough to preserve our wild places. We need to do more to keep them accountabile. It's up to us to prevent every wild place in Utah from looking like this?
Depiction of what Utah's wild places may become. UtahStories.com